One offering

The book of Genesis is literally a book of beginnings. In Genesis 4, we are introduced to Adam and Eve’s two sons, Cain and Abel. These two brothers make the first recorded offerings to God in the entire Bible. What is significant about this origin story is that “one offering” is deemed more acceptable than the other, and from this account, we can develop a theology of worship that is pleasing to God.

Lesson Resources:

David L. Lipe. John 1-12. Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2019.

Keneth A. Mathews. Genesis 1-11:26. New American Commentary, Vol. 1A. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 1996.

John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, Mark W. Chavalas. The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2000.

John H. Walton. The NIV Application Commentary: Genesis. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.