One flesh

The book of Genesis is literally a book of beginnings. In Genesis 2, we read about the beginning of marriage, the “one flesh” institution. This origin story is incredibly important because our culture is constantly redefining marriage by embracing cohabitation, normalizing divorce, and legalizing same-sex marriage. But we can look back to the very first marriage and discover God’s definition of this sacred institution.

Lesson Resources:

Rick Atchley. “The Lord’s Say.” Sermon presented at the Richland Hills Church of Christ, North Richland Hills, TX, 2006.

Scott B. Rae. Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics, 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009.

W. E. Vine. Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1996.