One example of religious jargon that does not typically appear in everyday conversation is the word “propitiation.” This might be the most foreign biblical term to people, even though it appears four times in the New Testament. In this lesson, we will examine the biblical references to propitiation so we can understand what it means, what it communicates to us about God, and how it relates to salvation so that we can appreciate the beauty of this word.
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Lesson Resources:
Colin G. Kruse, Paul’s Letter to the Romans, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012).
David L. Roper, Romans 1-7: A Doctrinal Study, Truth for Today Commentary (Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2013).
Thomas R. Schreiner, Romans, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2018).