There are some choices that you get to make, and there are some choices that you don’t get to make. It’s the former category that matters a great deal because the choices you make ultimately make you. In this lesson, which was presented in preparation for students to return to school, we take a look at one of the Bible’s most well-known young people to see which choices he got to make and which choices he did not get to make. In looking at his choices, we can prepare ourselves to make the same choices one day.
VIDEO | podcast | HANDOUT | powerpoint
Lesson Resources:
Tremper Longman, III. The NIV Application Commentary: Daniel. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1999.
Edward P. Myers, Neale T. Pryor, and David R. Rechtin. Daniel. Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2012.
Andy Stanley. “Once and For All.” Sermon presented at the Northpoint Community Church, Alpharetta, GA, 2010. Accessed October 5, 2023.