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Another leadership role that God assigned to men is that of a deacon. Our English term “deacon” only appears five times in the New Testament, and it basically means “a servant, a helper, or someone who ministers to the needs of others.” In this lesson, we’ll examine why the role of a deacon is not for everyone and how it is designed to help with prioritization in the church.
video | Podcast | Handout | PowerPoint
Lesson Resources:
Darrell L. Bock. Acts, Baker Exegetical Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007.
Dan Chambers. Churches in the Shape of Scripture. Franklin, TN: FaithWorks Press, 2012.
Everett Ferguson. The Church of Christ: A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today. Grand Rapids, MI: William B Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1996.
Richard R. Melick. Jr. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, New American Commentary, Vol. 32. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing, 1990.
David L. Roper. 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2017.