you are sealed
Sometimes, you receive a gift that you don’t quite understand how to use, and sometimes, you receive a gift that you intentionally or unintentionally abuse. One blessing that Paul identifies in Ephesians 1:13-14 that might qualify as such a gift is the Holy Spirit, with whom he says believers “were sealed.” How are believers sealed with the Holy Spirit? What makes the Holy Spirit a “gift”? What is the benefit of being sealed by the Holy Spirit?
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Lesson Resources:
Harvey Floyd. Is the Holy Spirit for Me? Nashville, TN: 21st Century Christian, 1981.
Scott J. Hafeman. The NIV Application Commentary: 2 Corinthians. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.
Joe D. Jones. The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study. Searcy, AR: Victory Publications, 1995.
Klyne Snodgrass. The NIV Application Commentary: Ephesians. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996.