In Mark 3:28-29, Jesus says that “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness.” Quite possibly, no other statement of Jesus has ever created more concern for modern believers than this one, as many are left wondering whether or not they could be guilty of committing this unforgivable sin. In this lesson, we will not only examine what blasphemy against the Spirit is but also whether or not it can be committed today.
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Lesson Resources:
Craig L. Blomberg. Matthew. New American Commentary, Vol. 22. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 1992.
James A. Brooks. Mark. New American Commentary, Vol. 23. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 1991.
Kyle Butt, “Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit—The ‘Unpardonable Sin’” Apologetics Press, 2003. Last Accessed January 28, 2025.
Wayne Jackson. "What Is the Eternal Sin?" Last Accessed January 28, 2025.