Hospitality is becoming a lost art in our society because we are becoming more and more private, secluded, and independent. Yet, hospitality is an expectation of followers, and no one does it better than the first follower. In Genesis 18, we read about Abraham hosting three men in his tent, and one of those individuals turned out to be the Lord. In this lesson, we will consider what we can learn from Abraham’s hospitality so that we can fulfill the expectations of hospitality that echo throughout the Bible.

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Lesson Resources:

Rick Atchley. “No Laughing Matter.” Sermon presented at the Richland Hills Church of Christ, North Richland Hills, TX, 2010.

William W. Grasham. Genesis 1-22. Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2014.

John H. Walton. The NIV Application Commentary: Genesis. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.