The holiday that came to be associated with the new year for the Jewish people is called the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 29:1-6). It is one of the lesser-known annually prescribed feasts under the Mosaic Law. All we know about this feast is when it took place, that it involved an assembling of the people, sacrifices, a Sabbath’s rest, and the blowing of trumpets. So, how can we apply what we know about the Feast of Trumpets to our lives today?

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Lesson Resources:

R. Dennis Cole. Numbers. New American Commentary, Vol. 3B. Nashville: B&H Publishers, 2000.

Mark F. Rooker. Leviticus. New American Commentary, Vol. 3A. Nashville: B&H Publishers, 2000.

David Roper. Revelation 1-11. Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2002. Last Accessed January 28, 2025.